Floragatan 13 by Acne Studios


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A Magazine Curated By presents FLORAGATAN 13 CURATED BY ACNE STUDIOS, an architectural and design survey of the new Acne Studios headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden — an exceptional historical building both restored and transformed as a fashion atelier and corporate office. Known as Floragatan 13 (for its Stockholm address), the edifice was completed in 1972 as the Embassy of the Czech Republic, designed by Jan Bočan from the Czech architect bureau Atelier Beta Prague. Conceived as a visual essay by acclaimed French photographer Philippe Chancel, this 100-page document in partnership with Acne Studios delves into the building floor by floor, beginning with the sixth level management offices and descending ten storeys through each crucial component of the design and production ateliers including inspiring communal and private spaces such as creative director Jonny Johansson’s office, the ground floor library, underground canteen and photo studio.